Publish or perish - such a popular word in research field. It was September 2011 when my so called research was started and I was Master student at Yeungnam Univeristy, South Korea. One year passed, and I got some so called data. Professor asked me can you write a paper with data you have? Instantly I said yes. That time I did not realize the impact factor or quality of journal, I just started to write what I thought. After few days, professor called and asked me to choose a journal for submission. I said I have no idea. He then suggested a journal called BBRC with IF 2.5 at that time. I wrote, professor commented, I wrote professor again commented,,,,,this went for about 5-6 times and finally it was submitted. After 3 weeks we got email with direct Professor asked me what next. I said I do not know. He then asked me how about journal with higher IF.....FEBS letters...IF 3.9. I said OK...just made few format correction and we submitted. It took almost a month and got more than 25 comments. LOL. We modified it and submitted....finally got accepted. We started on Sep 2012 and finally accepted on March 31, 2013. When professor sent me email regarding paper acceptance, I probably had a adrenaline rush and feel proud of myself at least for a day of March 31, 2013. Next day, I thought how many people have published paper,,,,and I thought I might be one among a billion. Lol, is there anything to be proud in that case. Nothing....just like fire of firefly. And again..the race paper....a never ending vicious cycle....